Still working on it

Monday, 24th March, 2008

It has taken a bit longer than I would have liked to finish 0.3a. The main reason for this is that I’ve had to roll my own UI widget library from scratch – not something I had anticipated doing. Sure, I could have used Woopsi. But having played around with it quite a bit, it wasn’t suitable for my purposes – the map panning and zooming effects that I do require that things happen a certain way with the VRAM banks, etc. And if I’m completely honest about it, I’m a bit of a control freak who likes things to work exactly how I want them to work! So I’ve ended up coding classes for panels, tab controls, buttons, labels, text boxes with pop-up keyboard, modal dialogs, etc., etc. I also had to spend a bit of time working out how to render anti-aliased text that was reasonably legible. Combine all of this with the fact that I’ve been really busy in my day job and personal life and you’ll hopefully understand the delay. Sorry!